6 Degrees of Separation deals with the numerous possibilities of interhuman relations. What connects people, what separates them? The piece is a never-ending game of finding, dealing and leaving each other.

6 Degrees of Separation deals with the numerous possibilities of interhuman relations. What connects people, what separates them? The piece is a never-ending game of finding, dealing and leaving each other.
A performance within the scope of Kons goes Proms, a project with the aim of offering orchestral concerts in unusual surroundings, which took place in the courtyard of Museumsquartier Vienna.
DIE opheliaMASCHINE is a poetic nightmare, where in contrast to Heiner Müller’s text of „Die Hamletmaschine“ Ophelia is the centre of attention. Ophelia as the victim. But what happens to her after she is determined through her surrounding. What is left of her? A research about personal and social experiences and their traces left in …
A solo, choreographed and performed by Maja inspired by Linke’s work about transfiguration. The piece was shown as her graduation work at Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität Vienna, 2010.