A piece about loosing and finding identity, about wearing and changing masks. A piece about dreams.

A piece about loosing and finding identity, about wearing and changing masks. A piece about dreams.
A children’s piece about colors and feelings and how to find them within yourself.
A site-specific outdoor theatre performance with two dancers and three actors around Heiner Müller’s Philoktet, who is drawn back to war after his companions abandoned him on a lonely island.
Final Season is a site-specific theatrical installation taking place outside in a field or lawn. The core of the dramatic action is a multichannel audioplay combined with live and electronic music, visuals and physical performance.
A theatrical piece for children about how cleverness and a lively imagination helps you get through life even when you seem smaller and weaker than all the others.
What if I had superpowers? I would do good things and help other people. I would unite my powers with my fellow combatants. A piece about superheroes.
Find the superpower within yourself. Be confident, trust your inner feelings. Get the cape, wear the cape and fly!
Spielraum Ensemble Graz
Concept and Production: Lisa Horvath, Direction: Klaus Seewald
Theater am Lend Graz and touring
Award-winning piece: BestOFFStyria-Festival
A latin dance-show choreographed and performed by Maja and her dance partner Danilo Campisi. Finalist in the World Championship Show Dance Latin 2015
Member of flowmotion dance company – Director: Florian Berger National and international touring