DIE opheliaMASCHINE is a poetic nightmare, where in contrast to Heiner Müller’s text of „Die Hamletmaschine“ Ophelia is the centre of attention.
Ophelia as the victim. But what happens to her after she is determined through her surrounding. What is left of her?
A research about personal and social experiences and their traces left in the body and movement.
A collaboration with Tanztheater Homunculus Vienna
Performers: Laura Amtmann, Maja Karolina Franke, Ana Germ, Martina Haager, Celia Hickey, Magdalena Jankowska, Kanako Sako, Tobias Draeger
Choreography/Direction: Manfred Aichinger
Dramaturgical and conceptual collaboration: Nikolaus Selimov
Text: Heiner Müller: Die Hamletmaschine (Version by Einstürzende Neubauten)
Stage and Light design: Silvia Auer
Video: Jörg Pibal
Sounddesign: Martin Kratochwil
Premiere: May 2010, Kosmos Theater Vienna