We build our world of systems and structures. But how powerful do we want them to be? Escaping to the forest we find joy, magic, love, loss, destruction and change.
A story of a world in transformation on the fine line between reality and imagination.
Six performers on a journey trough centuries of oppression, revolutions and new beginnings.
Performance: Maja Karolina Franke, Will Dickie, Marina Grün/Mira Kratochwil, Benjamin R. Jarrett
Live Music: Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka, Matej Bunderla
Concept, Production, Stage and Costume Design: Lisa Horvath
Concept and Direction: Klaus Seewald
Composition: Christof Ressi
Light Design: Eugen Schöberl
Project Assistant: Rosa Wallbrecher
Premiere: October 2014, Werkstatt 2.14, Theaterland Steiermark Festival, Oberzeiring